Northeastern Iowa Synod, ELCA Blog
Client: Faith Growth
Date: January 12, 2017
Category: Case Studies
The Northeastern Iowa Synod of the ELCA knew they needed to stay up-to-date with the 21st Century. So he brought Rev. Dr. Joelle Colville-Hanson on board to help with digital ministry outreach. Her first task was to create a blog for digital outreach. After creating the blog on Blogger, she went right to Faith Growth for a more professional site.
Faith Growth gave them a professional-looking blog and migrated all of the content from Blogger over to the WordPress website. And it was done quickly and well within the synod’s budget.
With this case study, I wanted to highlight the ability of Faith Growth to give church, and synods, a place to get their message out there and heard in today’s digital age.