A Collection of Collections: Uncommon Objects
Client: Reporting: Images
Date: March 5, 2014
Category: Videos
This is a video project done for the Reporting: Images class at the University of Texas over the Uncommon Objects antique store in Austin.
Located on South Congress, Uncommon Objects has been selling antiques and interesting items in Austin since 1991. The business is run by Steve Wiman, who has helped the store grow from 5 vendors to 24 individual vendors selling their unique items inside. Each vendor sells items that they find and collect. The store is filled with a wide range of objects from deer heads to tea cups to different types of signs.
Uncommon Objects has become a popular tourist destination in the city with the store being packed particularly on the weekends. Vendors come in on Monday to rearrange and restock their items.
Despite the growing popularity, Uncommon Objects has no plans to expand elsewhere.