More thoughts on the Gutenberg editor
Continue Reading: More thoughts on the Gutenberg editorGutenberg is coming whenever WordPress 5.0 is released. It’s come a long way from when it was released as a plugin last year. Like everyone else, I have thoughts on the new editor.
Changing a shortcode to a dynamic Gutenberg block
Continue Reading: Changing a shortcode to a dynamic Gutenberg blockGutenberg is coming, and it will shake up the ecosystem. One of the biggest changes will come with shortcodes, since the TinyMCE editor will be no more. But it’s pretty easy to turn shortcodes into the blocks with dynamic blocks.
Adding filter and action hooks to your WordPress plugin
Continue Reading: Adding filter and action hooks to your WordPress pluginWordPress is known for its customizations, but sometimes as plugin or theme developer, it can be tricky to figure out how to let your users add in customizations. That’s where filters and hooks come into play.
Why you should create a webpage for your WordPress plugin
Continue Reading: Why you should create a webpage for your WordPress pluginA dedicated webpage for your WordPress plugin gives you more credibility in the flooded plugin market and give your users a place to get help. So why haven’t you created a page for your plugin?
Why you should create a webpage for your WordPress theme
Continue Reading: Why you should create a webpage for your WordPress themeIf you have a WordPress theme, whether or not it’s in the theme directory, you need to have a dedicated webpage for that theme.
What is SCSS and how to use it
Continue Reading: What is SCSS and how to use itIn the final tutorial on npm, Gulp and SCSS, we finally get to the fun part. SCSS is an amazing tool that makes writing CSS much better and quicker. And you won’t want to go back to normal CSS again.
What is Gulp and how to use it
Continue Reading: What is Gulp and how to use itSo as we continue to learn how to compile SCSS/SASS into CSS, we now stumble upon Gulp. And this is how we ultimately compile our CSS together for the browser to read.
What is npm and how to use it
Continue Reading: What is npm and how to use itCSS is tedious and boring to write. But SCSS makes styling life so, so much easier; however, you need to compiling it. So, in our effort to learn SCSS, we first must learn about npm.
You’re not a programmer, you’re a problem solver
Continue Reading: You’re not a programmer, you’re a problem solverOne of the best things I learned when taking CS classes at the University of Texas was that we are not coders or programmers; we are problem solvers. And that’s a great way to look at it.
Why you should be writing documentation, even if it’s a solo project
Continue Reading: Why you should be writing documentation, even if it’s a solo projectDocumentation can be a pain point for any project or program, especially if it’s a project you’re doing by yourself. But the benefits of writing out the documentation vastly outweigh the costs.