How I Create Block Themes
Continue Reading: How I Create Block ThemesBlock themes are still a relatively new thing in WordPress. And theme developers are still finding the sweet spot in how they create block themes for this new site editor world. So if you’re learning how to build block themes for WordPress, here’s the process I’ve been using to create themes for the Crosswinds Framework.
How I Built It: Post Title Paragraph Option
Continue Reading: How I Built It: Post Title Paragraph OptionThe WordPress core blocks are great, but the post title block doesn’t have a paragraph option. Here’s how I was able to make it an option in the Crosswinds Blocks plugin.
How I Built It: Grid Block
Continue Reading: How I Built It: Grid BlockThere are a lot of great core blocks with the WordPress block and site editors. But a grid block is missing. So when I built the Crosswinds Blocks plugin, I wanted to add in a grid block. Here’s how I built it.
Tools I Use for Web Development
Continue Reading: Tools I Use for Web DevelopmentThere are a lot of tools you need on your tool belt as a web developer. Obviously you need a computer, but you also need a code editor, local development environment and so much more. So here’s what’s on my web development tool belt.
How I Made the Columns Blocks Responsive for the Crosswinds Framework
Continue Reading: How I Made the Columns Blocks Responsive for the Crosswinds FrameworkOne of the features of the Crosswinds Framework base theme is better responsiveness for the columns block in WordPress core. Here’s how I made the block look better at tablet screen sizes.
What I Learned from Building the Crosswinds Framework
Continue Reading: What I Learned from Building the Crosswinds FrameworkI spent over nine months last year building the Crosswinds Framework, a combination of a WordPress block theme, WordPress block plugin and a suite of child themes built for specific niches. Here’s what I learned while building the Framework.
How I Built the Crosswinds Framework
Continue Reading: How I Built the Crosswinds FrameworkThe vast majority of my freelance time in 2023 was spent building the Crosswinds Framework, a WordPress project that includes a blocks plugin, a base block theme and a suite of child themes built for specific niches. Here’s how I built the Crosswinds Framework.
A Look Back at 2023 and Looking Forward to 2024
Continue Reading: A Look Back at 2023 and Looking Forward to 2024It’s a brand new year. So of course that means it’s time to take a look back at what happened in the previous year and look forward to what’s to come in the new year. So let’s dive into how my 2023 went and what I’m hoping to do in 2024.
Reflections on an Absolutely Wonderful WordCamp US 2023
Continue Reading: Reflections on an Absolutely Wonderful WordCamp US 2023WordCamp US 2023 is over. It was an amazing trip with an additional solo vacation at the beginning. It’s always amazing to meet the best people in this community. So here are my thoughts on all things WordCamp US 2023.
Wishlist for the WordPress Site Editor as it Heads to Phase 3
Continue Reading: Wishlist for the WordPress Site Editor as it Heads to Phase 3As the WordPress Gutenberg project finishes phase two of the project and moves on to collaboration and phase three, here are some things I would still like to see in the site (and block) editor.
My WordPress Origin Story
Continue Reading: My WordPress Origin StoryWith WordCamp US coming up, now is about as good of a time as any to talk about my WordPress journey to where I am today.
A look back at 2022 and a look forward to 2023
Continue Reading: A look back at 2022 and a look forward to 2023Over the weekend we flipped the calendar to the new year. Of course, this is when everyone gets reflective about the past year and looks forward to what the new year will bring. So I thought I would do the same for myself.

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